
Work Made Me Read It: “To Sell Is Human” by Daniel Pink.

I don’t often read nonfiction, but I was interested in learning more when a few weeks ago, my teammate dropped a quote and asked for our opinions on it and how it applied to a sales discussion we were having: “There are many advantages to a customer-centric approach, but here’s the big one: Customers are…

Meet NuPhy’s Air75, your new ultra-lightweight, Mac-friendly mechanical keyboard friend

Either the perfect “work-from-anywhere” keyboard, or I’m in too deep to back out now. In the realm of “hobbies that convince you to spend hundreds of dollars in supplies”, mechanical keyboards are up at the top, alongside recreational nuclear reactor building. I’ve never built a nuclear reactor before, but I would assume the raw material…

Digital Nomading in Germany; a 2022 guide

Digital Nomading in Germany is a task in and of itself, but there’s a few apps and services to make your life easier, such as moving to the EU COVID-19 digital pass, opening a bank account with N26, and economical 4G data without losing your US phone number with Airarlo, just to name a few.